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Do You Have a Healthy Aesthetic?

As a fashion lover, you probably have the word aesthetic in your vocabulary. Aesthetic involves the look and feel of something, which is why fashion is a form of art. Many elements of skill are involved in the whole aesthetic. And, you can evaluate yourself if you have a healthy aesthetic by the way, you appreciate all the details, such as the colors, movements, and even the whole ensemble.

But you might ask, how do you measure or tell if you have a healthy aesthetic? You may want to consider the following:

The Texture Balance

You can say that you have a healthy aesthetic if you know how to balance the texture of your outfit. For example, the floral designs come up in a soft fabric, sending a message of serenity and radiance.

Sometimes, fashion is about the message and representation of the one carrying the outfit. Hence, the term fashion statement.

The balance of texture is essential to avoid unnecessary misrepresentation or prevent compromising situations.

The Color Match

One of the most important factors to consider if you have a healthy aesthetic, is matching colors. In fashion, you need to have a sound vision of the coordination of colors.

Colors are the part of the whole outfit that can make or break your fashion statement. When there are so many things happening in an attire, you can look loud, which is not a good thing. But with just the right number of shades and hues, you can rock it.

Cool Patterns

It would be better to have a healthy aesthetic if you had an excellent eye on patterns. As mentioned earlier, it would be better if you have the right balance of texture; the same thing applies to designs.

After all, lines are not there for nothing. They should coordinate well with each other. In this way, your fashion can take an upgrade in a more significant way.

Moreover, having a set of astonishing patterns can boost your confidence to nail your outfit.

Subtle Designs

Sometimes, aesthetics involve rest. It is pleasing to the eyes. To do that, you can choose straightforward designs that do not speak louder in the summary of the whole ensemble.

Designs also serve their purpose because it takes your representation in a more vivid picture. So even when you are choosing sleepwear, it is best to note the designs so you can feel at ease with them.

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Out of the Box

The good thing about aesthetics is exploring and digging deeper into the fashion world. It means you can go out of the box without compromising your style.

For example, the shoes usually have simple designs or one color, but if you try to explore, you will realize that your fashion can elevate and make up the new you.

When you go out of the box, you try different possibilities. And that is the good thing about fashion, and principles also drive it. So you need to evaluate yourself if it still revolves around them and see for yourself if you have healthy aesthetics.

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