Trendy Style

“Compared to them, I think it’s ugly, unattractive women admit the real look at the model behind the Bikinis nightclub ads and how they end up disgusted with their bodies

Research shows that the “beauty” of the media image makes women feel suspicious about their looks and lose confidence in themselves.

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One study found that when they saw pictures of womens bikinis sale or fashion models, they felt worse.
They made them feel most awake to their stomachs, followed by their overall weight, then waist circumference, overall appearance, and muscle tone.
Second, they have negative emotions on the legs, thighs, hips, hips, arms and chest.
Women who look at Bikini / fashion models are more interested in weight loss and exercise than women who display female paintings or product pictures.
Nearly half said they were embarrassed by wearing swimsuits in public places.
David Frederick, assistant professor of health psychology at Chapman University in California, said: “our findings suggest that slim and slim bikini models have direct and direct effects on women’s perceptions of their bodies, and that the effects are mostly negative.”.
Our findings highlight the important role of media in shaping women’s perception of the body.
The researchers conducted two studies of 1426 women to share their feelings about 10 fashion models, bikini models, paintings or products.
This approach is different from previous studies, which depend on how women influence their general memories or impressions of the media.
The debate over the effects of fuel, the ideal body portrayed by the media, and the self-esteem of women.
The advertising industry has been attacked, over modifying or “editing” patterns that make them look slimmer with slimmer skin.
Participants provided researchers with statements about how these images made them feel about their bodies.
One of them said, “these pictures make me feel worse, because the models are so beautiful, so beautiful.
They were tall, skinny, smooth skinned, and full of breasts. Compared with them, I feel ugly and unattractive.
Another said, “they all look healthy.”. By contrast, I look worse. I feel worse, because I have nothing to do like them.
The study was published in the journal Human imaging.

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